- Directed by Ella Marchment
- Composed by Giuseppe Verdi
- Opera Integra
- 2016
National Operatic & Dramatic Association
The Bard with the music of Verdi, an interesting concept that gave us an amazing theatrical experience. Opera Integra have always been blessed with some great singers, but this production saw them really up their game on the theatrical front with some great production values that really worked to give the show impact. Truly a great piece of drama in its own right, and a truly visionary interpretation.
Ella Marchment had a slightly different vision of the themes and really gave us food for thought. Using the strong chess theme was a masterstroke which was the foundation on which everything hung. The theme worked well not only for its impact but also to give us a different insight into a very familiar story.
– National Operatic & Dramatic Association
Opera Integra Audience Feedback
I was captivated from the moment the opera started with the very clever chessboard staging. I got an immediate sense of the political machinations and social manoeuvrings that make Macbeth such a riveting piece of operatic theatre.
– Opera Integra Audience Feedback